Easy three steps to create click able row in ASP .NET table. This is accomplished using JavaScript.
Step one: Create an ASP Table
Adding a table in an .aspx file is easy. Just drag and drop the table icon from toolbox. Add header row. Or simply copy paste following code.
< asp:table id="employeeTable" runat="server" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
< asp:tableheaderrow>
< asp:tableheadercell>First Name < /asp:tableheadercell>
< asp:tableheadercell>Last Name < /asp:tableheadercell>
< /asp:tableheaderrow>
< /asp:table>
Step two: Write a JavaScript function to invoke from onClick event of table row.
< script type="text/javascript">
function SayHello( )
alert( "Hello there." );
< / script>
Step three: put them together
Now you just one inch away to get your result. What you need to do is to add appropriate attribute the table row.
Lets add a row in the table and associate the click event handler with the row. We are going to do that in page load event handler.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
TableCell name = CreateCell( "John" );
TableCell lastName = CreateCell( "Smith" );
TableRow row = CreateRow( new TableRow[]{ name, lastName});
this.employeeTable.Rows.Add( row );
//this is the glue between your JavaScript and TableRow
row.Attributes.Add("onClick", "javascript:SayHello();");
public static TableRow CreateRow( TableCell []cells)
TableRow row = new TableRow();
foreach (TableCell cell in cells)
return row;
public static TableCell CreateCell(String text)
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = text;
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
cell.Controls.Add( label);
return cell;
Now simply run your program. Click on the row. It should display a alert box.
Part II
CNN News API – Everything You Need To Know
3 years ago
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